Name | Type | Example | Description |
id | Integer | 156453540 | Unique Id of the order item |
product | Order Item Product | Product information at the time of the purchasing | |
invoice | Order Item Invoice | Invoice information: Value, discounts and fees of customer and seller in this item | |
seller | Order Item Seller | Seller basic information | |
confirmation | Order Item Confirmation | Confirmation status and SLAs | |
inventory_requisition | Inventory Requisition | Information of the requisitions of the product items into Tiki warehouse (which will be delivered to customer later then) | |
inventory_withdrawals | Inventory Withdrawal | Information of the withdrawals of the product items from Tiki warehouse |
Order Item Invoice
All discounts count for the order item only. For computing row_total
on Order Item V2,
we only need to concern on subtotal
and discount_amount
Name | Type | Example | Description |
price | Decimal | 409000.00 | Product price at the time of the purchasing |
quantity | Integer | 1 | Purchased quantity of this product |
subtotal | Decimal | 409000.00 | Total value of this purchased product |
row_total | Decimal | 0.00 | Total value of this order item the customer needs to pay (counted all customer discounts and customer fees) |
discount_amount | Decimal | 428000.00 | Total discount value for the customer |
discount_tikixu | Decimal | 428000.00 | Discount value due to the use of Tiki Xu |
discount_promotion | Decimal | 0.00 | Discount value due to the active promotion at the time of the purchasing |
discount_percent | Decimal | 0.00 | Discount value computed by percent on order item value |
discount_coupon | Decimal | 0.00 | Discount value due to the use of coupons |
discount_other | Decimal | 0.00 | Discount value due to other reasons (if any) |
is_seller_discount_coupon | Boolean | false | If the discount_coupon comes from seller coupon |
is_taxable | Boolean | false | Can export VAT bill for this product |
seller_fee | Decimal | 0.00 | Seller fee in seller statement (on this order item) |
seller_income | Decimal | 409000.00 | Seller income in seller statement (from this order item) |
fees | List<Order Item Fee> | Fee details |
How to compute these numbers?
= all discounts (the same as Order Invoice)subtotal
is final amount a customer has to pay for this item after all discounts:row_total
- If the computed
is< 0
then it will be set tozero
= ∑ (OrderItemFee.final_amount
- When the order is fulfilled:
- When the order is canceled:
Important notes
s are later summed up intotal_seller_fee
for displaying purposeseller_income
s are later summed up intotal_seller_income
Order Item Fee
Order Item Fee Sample
"id": 208365438,
"fee_type_key": "base_fee",
"fee_type_name": "Phí cố định",
"status": 1,
"quantity": 1,
"base_amount": 8000,
"total_amount": -8000,
"discount_amount": 0,
"final_amount": -8000
For computing seller_fee
on Order Item V2 and total_seller_fee
on Order V2
we only need to concern on final_amount
Name | Type | Example | Description |
id | Integer | 189434047 | Unique Id of the fee entry |
fee_type_key | String | pickup_fee | Fee type |
fee_type_name | String | Phí lấy hàng | Fee display name |
status | Integer | 1 | If the fee is enabled or not |
quantity | Integer | 1 | Multiply of the fee base_amount |
base_amount | Decimal | 5 | Base fee amount: depends on the fee_type_key this can be used as a fixed absolute amount percent of subtotal |
total_amount | Decimal | -5500.00 | Computed fee amount base on base_amount and quantity (before discount) |
discount_amount | Decimal | 0.00 | Discount value for seller on this fee entry |
final_amount | Decimal | -5500.00 | Actual fee amount in seller statement (after discount) |
How to compute these numbers?
is already computed based onfee_type_key
Order Item Product
Name | Type | Example | Description |
id | Integer | 4873247 | Unique Id of the product |
type | String | simple | Product type |
sku | String | 1810435389187 | Unique SKU of the product |
name | String | Bộ 2 Hộp Thủy Tinh... | Product display name |
inventory_type | String | backorder | Where the item product is store at the time of purchasing. Values: See inventory type |
imeis | List<String> | [] | IMEI s of all delivering product items (if any) |
serial_numbers | List<String> | [] | Serial Numbers of all delivering product items (if any) |
thumbnail | String | | A link to a small product image |
seller_product_code | String | 600134791 | Id or Code of the product on seller system (not unique on Tiki system) |
seller_supply_method | String | manual | How the product is supplied to Tiki warehouse |
Product Inventory Type
Inventory type is a property of product. When the order is placed, the product inventory type is saved into order item data
for later processing. When we save this property to the order item, we can also call this as order item inventory type.
Inventory type | Description |
instock | This product is stored in Tiki warehouse |
backorder | This product is stored in Seller inventory |
preorder | This product is preordered – not available in warehouses yet |
Order Item Seller
Some basic seller information
Name | Type | Example | Description |
id | Integer | 33 | Unique seller Id |
name | String | Zero Shop | Seller or Store name |
Order Item Confirmation
When a customer places an order and Tiki accepts to process their order, seller needs to confirm
the order as soon as possible:
- Confirm seller have enough saleable quantity for the products in the order –
available confirmation
- This is necessary for all kinds of operation models except for Fulfillment by Tiki
- In other words, all Order Item V2 with
needs to be confirmed by the seller
- Confirm seller have done packaging the products for the order –
pickup confirmation
- This is necessary only for Drop Shipping operation model
Name | Type | Example | Description |
status | String | seller_confirmed | Confirmation status of this Order Item V2 |
confirmed_at | Timestamp | 2020-05-16 08:33:35 | When the latest confirmation happens |
available_confirm_sla | Timestamp | 2020-05-16 12:00:00 | Available confirmation deadline |
pickup_confirm_sla | Timestamp | 2020-05-16 16:00:00 | Pickup confirmation deadly (only for drop shipping) |
histories | List<Confirmation History> | Confirmation histories of seller |
Order Item Confirmation Status
Statuses | Description |
waiting | This order item needs availability confirmation |
seller_confirmed | This order item is confirmed to be available for fulfillment – enough stock – by seller For drop shipping orders, this item needs pickup confirmation |
seller_canceled | This order item is canceled – not enough stock – by seller |
confirmed | Internal status |
ready_to_pick | This order item is in a drop shipping order, and is ready for picking by Tiki |
Order Item Confirmation History
Name | Type | Example | Description |
confirmed_at | Timestamp | null | When the item changes to this confirmation status |
order_item_id | Integer | 156453540 | The Id of the Order Item V2 |
sla_confirmed_at | Timestamp | 2020-08-11 12:00:00.0 | Available confirmation deadline |
status | String | waiting | The confirmation status |
Inventory Requisition
For operation models where product items are delivered to customer via Tiki warehouse,
these product items will first be transfered to Tiki warehouse. How these product items are
transfered to Tiki warehouse depends on the operation model and stated in pickup_method
And this process is described by this inventory requisition object.
Name | Type | Example | Description |
id | Integer | 14933766 | Unique Id of the inventory requisition. |
code | String | HN4/BOP/20/08/253202 | The unique code on the label that describes the package of products delivered to Tiki warehouse See PO Label for how to print the label |
seller_inventory_id | Integer | 2389 | Id of the seller warehouse (aka. seller inventory) |
status | String | done | Status of this process |
is_printed | Boolean | false | If the PO Label is printed |
pickup_method | String | cross_border | How product items are transfered to Tiki warehouse |
warehouse_code | String | hn4 | Tiki warehouse code |
error | String | null | The error that happens during the process |
created_at | Timestamp | 2020-08-10 18:50:18 | When the this process starts |
Inventory Withdrawal
Information about the withdrawal of product items from Tiki warehouse. This happens
when product items have already been transfered into Tiki warehouse but the order is
later canceled.
Name | Type | Example | Description |
id | Integer | 1453443 | Unique Id of the withdrawal |
status | String | waiting_for_picking | Status of the products withdrawal out of Tiki warehouse |