- You already have a public app or an in-house app
- You already have an active store on production
- Postman >= 8.0.0
- (internet connection and electricity)
Public app gets authorization from sellers
A public app can get access tokens if sellers grant access to seller stores. We will demonstrate this process as below:
- Create a new Postman request
- Open Auth tab > Type > Select OAuth 2.0

Grant Type must be Authorization Code when you are getting authorization from sellers. And the result is:

- Now review your public app configuration and enter:
- The auth endpoint and token endpoint from the global configuration
- Your public app redirect URL
- Your public app id and secret
- Scopes you want to request from the seller. Add scope
if you want to get arefresh_token
along. - Any random state
- Your public app authentication method (token endpoint auth method)
- Click Get new access token and seller gets a login screen. Here you must use a seller account to login to Seller Center:

- Seller clicks Đăng nhập (Login) and gets a consent screen. Seller will select 1 of their stores with necessary permissions and grant your app access:

- Seller clicks Cho phép truy cập (Allow) and you get back an access token:

- Now use this
to make your first request to Developer Platform - This
will be expired afterexpired_in
seconds. You can use the token until its expiry. - When a access_token is expired or revoked, any request with that token will result in 401 Unauthorized. You should rely on this 401 http status to request a new one or to refresh the token with
Common mistakes
- Invalid callback URL: The callback URL must be exact as one of the registered redirect URIs in your public app. Sometimes, you might have some extra slash
at the end, use wrong scheme (http instead of https), add some query parameters (make it different from the registered ones), use wrong port. - Use unregistered scopes / wrong scopes
- Invalid auth endpoint / token endpoint: Use wrong scheme (http instead of https) – remember that a POST request to http will be redirected to https as a GET. This sometimes makes developer confused.
- Some developers might already have legacy sandbox apps (id and secret), and mistakenly use sandbox app credentials with other production configurations.
- Use wrong client authentication method: Each app is configured with 1 token endpoint authentication method, using the wrong one will make your app unrecognizable therefore unauthenticated at the token endpoint.
In-house apps authenticate themselves
An in-house app is associated with exactly 1 store. The app only needs to authenticate itself to get an access token.
- Create a new Postman request
- Open Auth tab > Type > Select OAuth 2.0

Grant Type must be Client Credentials when an app authenticates itself. And the result is:

- Now review your in-house app configuration and enter:
- The token endpoint from the global configuration
- Your in-house app id and secret
- Scopes you want to request
- Your in-house app authentication method (token endpoint auth method)
- Click Get new access token to authenticate your app and get an access token (no refresh token for Client Credentials grant type).

- Now use this
to make your first request to Developer Platform. Remember the essence of an in-house app, thisaccess_token
can only access exactly the associated store. - This access_token will be expired after
seconds. You can use the token until its expiry. - When an access_token is expired or revoked, any request with that token will result in 401 Unauthorized. You should rely on this 401 http status to request a new one.
Common mistakes
- Use wrong client authentication method: Each app is configured with 1 token endpoint authentication method, using the wrong one will make your app unrecognizable therefore unauthenticated at the token endpoint.

What’s next?
That’s merely a demo with no business value. You want to start coding and implement this part your own. Visit authentication to continue.
Great man!