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Getting started

Tiki Marketplace is a platform for merchants to sell various kind of products on TIKI. One of the biggest system in Marketplace is Seller Center – where sellers operate their stores and fulfill customer orders. There’s a growing need to automate that fulfillment process as well as to integrate deeply with Marketplace for potential enormous business value. We built Tiki Developer Platform with carefully selected APIs for sellers to integrate their business with Marketplace and for developers to make useful apps for sellers.

We are providing some kinds of APIs including:

  • Products: Create new product, update price, quantity, attributes…
  • Orders: Query, confirm order, update delivery status…
  • Deals: Allow you setup product price during sale events and campaigns
  • Fulfillment: Create , cancel, inbound shipment, this also can get status, shipment details …
  • Event queues: Subscribe to product, order… events
  • Seller Registration: Some developers may have their own user set (usually merchants) and want to refer their merchants to Tiki Marketplace

How do I start

First of all, you click Start here to understand authentication/authorization and how to obtain an access token. You must have an access token to access resources through APIs inside the Tiki Marketplace.


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