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Manage product

Get latest products example

GET https://api.tiki.vn/integration/v2/products

Sample latest products

    "id": 12346,
    "sku": "8935086810583",
    "name": "Hạt Giống Tâm Hồn 2",
    "master_id": 324684,
    "master_sku": "2432653814600",
    "super_id": 0,
    "active": "1",
    "type": "simple",
    "entity_type": "seller_simple",
    "price": 18000,
    "market_price": 18000,
    "version": 22,
    "created_at": "2017-02-25 21:14:25",
    "updated_at": "2021-02-04 10:01:01",
    "thumbnail": "https://uat.tikicdn.com/cache/280x280/ts/h/g/hgth_-_2.jpg",
    "seller": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Tiki Trading",
        "code": "TIKI",
        "logo": "http://uat.tikicdn.com/ts/seller/0e/9d/fd/61dfb9c92f03fefbb799e829e4b54e67.jpg",
        "slug": null,
        "status": 1,
        "store_id": null,
        "listdata_id": null,
        "vat_limit_supported": 0,
        "is_all_vat_supported": 1
    "images": [
            "id": 12348867,
            "url": "https://uat.tikicdn.com/ts/h/g/hgth_-_2.jpg",
            "path": "/h/g/hgth_-_2.jpg",
            "position": 2,
            "label": null,
            "is_gallery": false

After all , your requests are approved , they become TIKI product 😀 And now you want to manage them ? “How many product do I have? Where are they ?” So we have some method for you :

1. Get all of your product :

GET https://api.tiki.vn/integration/v2/products

for the best performance we provide summary of product only, we also provide some filter method by

  • category_id -> category of product
  • active -> current active status of product ( 1 = active | 0 = inactive)
  • created_from_date -> products created_at will be >= this time
  • created_to_date -> products created_at will be <= this time
  • updated_from_date -> products updated_at will be >= this time
  • updated_to_date -> products updated_at will be <= this time

you can add extra inventory information to product by this parameter

  • include = inventory -> add extra inventory information to product

Note : API use yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss datetime format
Example : `2020-03-05 11:27:24` ~ 11:27:24 am , 5th March 2020

GET https://api.tiki.vn/integration/v2/products?active={active}
GET https://api.tiki.vn/integration/v2/products?category_id={category_id}
GET https://api.tiki.vn/integration/v2/products?include=inventory

2. Get your product by TIKI product_id :

GET https://api.tiki.vn/integration/v2.1/products/{product_id}

This API will show you product detail contain its attribute and inventory

3. Get your product by your original_sku :

GET https://api.tiki.vn/integration/v2/products/findBy?original_sku={original_sku}
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