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  5. Fulfillment Service Group
  6. Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer Service (ST) include APIs to support customer goods rotation between the TNSL warehouse network.

ST đã tạo thành công sẽ không hủy được, phần tạo nháp đối tác tự quản lý, chỉ gọi qua TNSL tạo ST.

Service actions

The following operations are included in the Stock Transfer API section:

Operation NameOperation DescriptionAPI Documentation
Get Estimate FeeGet estimate stock transfer fee before create new stock transferDocumentation
Check Stock TransferCheck valid stock transfer before create by SKU listDocumentation
Create Stock TransferCreate a new stock transfer to transfer stocksDocumentation
List Stock TransferGet list stock transfer of a client. Includes:
– Created by seller
– Created by TNSL
Get Stock Transfer DetailGet details of a stock transfer.Documentation


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