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  6. Inventory Service

Inventory Service

Register webhooks

Register url to receive order status and inventory status when it changes

1. API endpoint


2. Header request

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer + token: token get from API get token or login into public app, in-house app or token from Seller Center.

3. CURL Example

curl --location 'https://tikinowapi.tiki.vn/business/v1/register-webhooks' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "sync_inventory_location": [
    "sync_webhook": {
        "order": {
            "url": "https://your_domain/webhooks/order",
            "secret_key": "sjYKaAFXDaS4qxeykux4WL1qMI0gzAc0"
        "stock": {
            "url": "https://your_domain/webhooks/stock",
            "secret_key": "sjYKaAFXDaS4qxeykux4WL1qMI0gzAc0"
    "external_partner_id": "41235121321"

4. Payload

sync_inventory_locationArrayYesList of Tiki warehouse code
sync_webhookObjectYesWebhook register info
sync_webhook.orderObjectYesWebhook order info
sync_webhook.order.urlStringYesURL receive order status
sync_webhook.order.secret_keyFloatYesSecret key to hash payload data, must string length 32 characters, ref: https://randomkeygen.com/ get key in CodeIgniter Encryption Keys – Can be used for any other 256-bit key requirement.
sync_webhook.stockObjectYesWebhook inventory stock info
sync_webhook.stock.urlStringYesURL receive inventory stock
sync_webhook.stock.secret_keyStringYesSecret key to hash payload data, must string length 32 characters, ref: https://randomkeygen.com/ get key in CodeIgniter Encryption Keys – Can be used for any other 256-bit key requirement.
external_partner_idStringNoShop ID or Shop code

5. Response


    "success": false,
    "error": {
        "status_code": 401,
        "message": "Unauthorized",
        "message_code": "INVALID_TOKEN"
    "meta_data": {
        "request_id": "97b2702c775f57c565b5a3c6f01052a1"


    "success": true,
    "meta_data": {
        "request_id": "97b2702c775f57c565b5a3c6f01052a1"


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