Status | Definition | Seller delivery | TNSL delivery |
NEW | IS(inbound shipment) was received by FSI (allowing seller to cancel) | Yes | Yes |
WAITING_FOR_ITEMS | IS was created at ERP, and waiting for items (allowing seller to cancel) | Yes | |
WAIT_TRANSPORT_CONFIRM | After D2D PO is created, TPT team & system verify and assign, before calling sellers to confirm (allowing seller to cancel) | Yes | |
TRANSPORT_CONFIRMED | After confirmation is made with seller | Yes | |
GO_PICKING | Picker goes to seller’s address, until picker picks successfully | Yes | |
PICKED_UP_SUCCESSFULLY | When shipper confirms that he has just received shipment from seller, the shipment(s) is moved into transport vehicle and start transporting to Tiki warehouse | Yes | |
WAREHOUSE_RECEIVED | Warehouse received items | Yes | |
IMPORTED_PARTIALLY | Items was imported partially and waiting for other items | Yes | Yes |
COMPLETED_PARTIALLY | IS was rejected a part of shipment | Yes | Yes |
COMPLETED | IS was completed | Yes | Yes |
FAILED | IS was failed by business logic | Yes | Yes |
REJECTED | Items in shipment was rejected | Yes | Yes |
CANCELED | IS was canceled by customer or system | Yes | Yes |
RETURNING | Returning rejected items | Yes | |
RETURNED_SUCCESSFULLY | Rejected items are returned successfully | Yes |
Inbound status flow