Status | Description |
new | New |
allocating | Looking for a driver for a shipment |
picking | A driver is picking up goods |
picked | Pickup success |
storing | Storing package in sorting center or hub |
delivering | On the way to delivery |
delivery_failed | Receive this status when delivery failed, retry 3 times before change status to returning |
successful_delivery | Delivery successful |
failed_shipment | The shipment fails when can’t be found the driver or the pickup fails |
canceled | The shipment was canceled |
returning | On the way to return goods |
returned | Successful return |
return_failed | The shipment was return failed with reason code |
Failed description
Webhook receive change shipment status, using reason code or description when status failed_shipment, canceled or delivery_failed
Reason code | Description |
no_longer_needed | Customers no longer need |
virtual_customer | Virtual customer |
canceled_by_3pl | Canceled by partner |
driver_not_found | Driver not found |
package_in_return | Returning package |
package_returned | Returned package |
can_not_contact | Unable to contact |
wrong_telephone_number | Wrong phone number |
absence_of_receiver | Arrived at receiver with no recipients |
receiver_reschedule | Customer request to deliver later |
change_address | Change address |
open_box_right_limited | The package is not inspected |
wrong_product | Wrong product |
wrong_cod | Wrong COD/ Change payment information |
not_place | Customers don’t order |
box_damaged | Package is damaged |
lost_parcel | Lost package |
customer_not_prepare_cod | The customer didn’t prepare the money to receive package |
difference_language | The language barrier |
sender_change_address | Sender change pickup address |
request_return_by_sender | The sender requested return package |
wrong_address | Wrong/change address |
undefined | Unknown reason |
cancel_by_logia | Canceled by TNSL admin |
failed_pickup_many_times | Pickup many times failed when status is failed_shipment |
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