How to Update product information (Mô tả sản phẩm, địa chỉ kho lấy hàng cho sản phẩm)

QuestionsCategory: ProductHow to Update product information (Mô tả sản phẩm, địa chỉ kho lấy hàng cho sản phẩm)
Le Quang Dau asked 3 years ago

Hi Team,
As document mentioned that We able to update product infomation related to Price, Quantity and Image

{ “original_sku” : “SELLER_SKU”, “price”: 13000, “quantity”:100, “active”:1 }

{ “product_id”: 2138351, “market_price”: 7000000, “image”: “”, “images”: [ “” ] }

In case user would like to update Description and Seller_Warehouse via API.
Could you show me how to do that ?
I think that is limitation of document.

I tried to call this: 

    “original_sku” : “le_d204a_dgrey_80x100-0.80×1.00m-17”,
   “description”: “TEST”

=> However this doesn’t effect for seller_warehouse & description

In GUI we able to modify them as normally